Monday, September 3, 2012

Human Exploitation at Samsung- I thought that practice was reserved for...

 From the following

but we identified workers under the age of 18 on site. These workers are over the age of 16 and are student workers or interns, and their presence is legal.

A system of fines for lateness or absences was found to be in operation

Certain health and safety measures were inadequate, such as a failure to provide access to a medical clinic.

And my favourite of all

Although the Samsung inspectors did not identify any underage workers while they were on site, there are currently student workers or interns under the age of 18 years old on site, comprising approximately 19% , or 520 people, of HEG’s workface

So,  enroll them in school, and you can have up to 30% of your workforce be unpaid student interns.  Nice!

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