Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Huawei Denies spying --- Duhhhh, of course!

I just had a laugh at another UK bigwig that jumped on board Huawei's "for hire" messaging.

When asked a direct question, this guy starts babling about manufacturing of other companies being done in India, China, etc.

Talk about not sidestepping the question.

Huawei, like its Chinese competitor ZTE, has been under investigation by the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for nearly a year, after multiple US government and military officials raised concerns about both companies' ties to the Chinese government.

"Chinese actors" are among the most active perpetrators of cyber espionage, and that Huawei's equipment could be rigged to make such attacks easier.

That's just politics, Suffolk says.
In his paper he describes Huawei as "a global organisation doing business in over 140 countries." Furthermore, he questions whether, in the era of the global supply chain, it is valid or even helpful to label a company's products as "foreign developed":

Alcatel-Lucent has one third of its global manufacturing done by Shanghai Bell; Ericsson's joint-venture Nanjing Ericsson Panda..... Blah blah blah...

Suffolk goes on to criticize the lack of laws, norms, standards, and protocols with regard to cyber security, and says the current environment allows nearly anyone to use malware and other internet-based attacks with impunity.

Because the laws, norms, standard and protocols have gaps, that means its ok?!?!?!

Are you really a babbling head for hire Mr. John Suffolk – a former UK government CIO who now serves as Huawei's global cyber security officer.

Update:  After reading another article, it seems the 21st Century network Upgrade by BT, the CIO Matt Bross now moved to Huawei as well at their CTO.

Why is it all these people are selling out and just going as another high paid voice.

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